Sunday, February 20, 2011

You Never Know

It's pretty much a given that if Matt Von Ende, Mike Carlson, and myself are all in the same room some shenanigans are gonna go down. This was the case a few nights ago when I packed up the portable studio and headed to East Lake Street to shoot promos for Mike's new band and some Senior Photos for one of the students that attends the school where Mike and Matt work (dare I say run?). It was pretty much comedy the minute I walked in. Which is standard procedure for the three of us and a testament to our friendship. It's not often that three friends can go into a business venture (Renegade Skate Park), lose the farm and then some (Can I barrow a dollar?), and come out of it better friends then when they went in. Its always a light hearted affair and it pretty much set the mood and raised the comfort level for everyone who was there to get their picture taken and one who wasn't. You see there was this little boy there named Logan who belonged to one of the guys in Mike's band. He was a pretty funny kid so I asked him to hop in there for a couple in between the two shoots. The result was this.
One of my favorites of the night. He wasn't there to get his photo taken he was just along for the ride and maybe a happy meal after the shoot if he wasn't a complete hellion. It just goes to show you that you can plan till your blue in the face but its still those spontaneous moments that yield the best results. I learned this a long time ago. There is nothing worse as a photographer then missing the moment. If its there take it. Literally. The ride home can be a long one if you don't. Alright, enough of that metaphorical philosophical crap. Here is one of Mike and the crew from The Younger Brother Band.

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